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Update an exhibitor details.

Path Parameters
exhibitorid string REQUIRED
Request Body

For update, not all properties are needed except mandatory ones. The properties follow same characteristics as POST request body. Given is the full object with all available properties.

Request body description:

  • eventid, exhibitorid are mandatory properties.
  • If updated send formid. formid and content of responses should always match or it will cause errors.
  • For profileimage and bannerimage expected valid URLs from which an image data can be accessed. Both can be null but not empty string.
  • For videos and documents, expected is valid URL so that files can be downloaded. Can be null but not empty string.
  • If uploading product,
    • productcategory should be string and value should match any of the available category name. Get options from fetched response of /exhibitors/product_categories of Exhibitors section.
    • productsubcategory should be string and value should match any of the available subcategory name that is associated with selected category. Get options from fetched response of /exhibitors/product_subcategories of Exhibitors section.
    • industry should be string and value should match any of the available industry name. Get options from fetched response of /exhibitors/industries of Exhibitors section. If industry name is "Test & Example" the requestBody value should be "test_example".

Follow this structure to avoid any errors.

name string
booth string
about string
profileimage string
bannerimage string
form_number integer
details_form object[]
id string
value object


id integer

Error Response

code int32

Error code.

message string

String description of the error.